Overcoming Obstacles to Launching Your Idea

We were all born with a specific calling. Let’s take part in doing what God created us to do.

[What’s in it for me?]

We’ve all experienced God’s work in some way, small miracles that He has put in our path. And if He did it once, He will do it again, this time on a larger scale. Listen to what God made you to become, accept the truth and revel in the glory that is being a Godpreneur.

Give credit to God where credit is due. Let Him be the one to set up your business vision because if there’s a business God created you to do, you will know in His time. Be expectant, sooner or later you will find out what God WANTS and NEEDS you to become!


We are all Godpreneurs at heart, it just so happens that some of us connect with our calling sooner than others. Do not fear. Welcome the supernatural and anything that seems out of the ordinary, it’s probably God sending you a message as to what you’re supposed to become!


These lessons will show you:

  • Step 1: The Miracle Waiting to Happen
  • Step 2: Words of Assurance
  • Step 3: You're Invited
  • Step 4: Throw Out Logic
  • Step 5: Turning Logic Off
  • Step 6: The Mind Plays Tricks
  • Step 7 - Eliminating Past Guilt
  • Step 8: Removing Past Anxieties Holding Me From Launching.
  • Step 9: Getting Out of the Suffering Cycle
  • Step 10: Restoration Leads to Exploration
  • Step 11: Launching with Faith
  • Step 12: Chasing Bigger Things.

Your Guide

Alex Miranda
Alex Miranda

Alex Miranda is the creator of DailyGodpreneur.com, the #1 blog for Christian entrepreneurs (Godpreneurs) with over 800 posts.

Read my business testimony at https://www.alexmiranda22.com/about.

Plan Outline

  Day 1
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  Day 2
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  Day 3
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  Day 4
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  Day 5
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  Day 6
Available in days
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  Day 7
Available in days
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  Day 8
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 9
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 10
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 11
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 12
Available in days
days after you enroll

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