Becoming a Godpreneur

A 9-Day Business Bible Study about cultivating a God-first business mindset.

We’ve entered a new era in business – spirituality is coming to the forefront of the success of every entrepreneur’s mind. Becoming a Godpreneur is a pilgrimage of trusting God in your business, focusing on Him, staying close to Him, being a light in your marketplace. In this course, you’ll receive the essential pillars needed to put God first in your business. This course also serves as a step-by-step process you can take to turning away from the way you used to do business, and start doing business God’s way.

[What’s in it for me?]

We all long to be successful entrepreneurs, but what does it really take to be an extraordinary Godpreneur – a God honoring business owner? What if there was a model for creating a God-First business, regardless if you’re starting a new business or reinventing your business’s meaning purpose.

Becoming a Godpreneur is about cultivating a business of ever-increasing influence because God can use your business to be a light in the marketplace. This may require a complete overhaul of what you now know and do. You may need to re-think your culture, brand, staff and clients.

If you could gain a greater understanding of running and leading a God-first business, and know that authentically leading in this new mindset would guarantee your success, would becoming a Godpreneur be worth it?

Becoming a Godpreneur leads you through a study of the transforming power of putting God first in your business. When you know how God wants to be involved in your industry – real estate, medical, financial… almost every industry – then you can know what significance your business plays in the overall plan of the world. When you become a Godpreneur, you know what you were called to do.


Being a Godpreneur isn’t the same as being a Christian that owns a business. Godpreneurs take action for God. Godpreneurs build godly character into their culture and brand. Godpreneurs are in a constant and authentic exchange with a real and present God in their business. This can be more easily said than done, but do it we must.

Join us on this pilgrimage as we learn how to put God first to impact not only our current business, but future generations to come.


These lessons will show you:

  • How to allow God into your personal and business identity
  • The ways to focus on the approval of God and not of men
  • How to understand who God says you are
  • Tips to find or create a strong circle of supporters
  • To understand what it means to to know when its time to act.
  • How to help others by fulfilling your part in God’s greater vision
  • What it means to become “a light in the marketplace”
  • What it takes to make your business “blessed by God”
  • How to overcome “the entrepreneurial roller coaster” through belief in your vision

Your Guide

Alex Miranda
Alex Miranda

Alex Miranda is the creator of, the #1 blog for Christian entrepreneurs (Godpreneurs) with over 800 posts.

Read my business testimony at

Plan Outline

  Day 1: Finding Your Full Identity in God
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 2: Seeking the Approval of God Alone
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 3: Our Business Identity is Defined by God
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 4: Surround Yourself With Supporters
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 5: Staying Connected to God’s Vision
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 6: Fitting Your Business Into God’s Vision for the World
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 7: Be a Light in the Marketplace
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 8: Business Blessings Come from Obedience
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 9: The Significance of Your Business
Available in days
days after you enroll

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