How Godpreneurs Become an Authority

We all want to become a reference point in our niche. Someday, be an authority in our field.

We all want to become a reference point in our niche. We all want to, someday, be an authority in our field. How Godpreneurs Become an Authority is a journey in which you’ll learn how to do so by fulfilling your role in God’s higher plan. Thinking big so God gives you what you ask for, understanding the true meaning of success and shaping your identity according to God’s demands is vital to become an authority, God’s way.

[What’s in it for me?]

We are all destined to become great Godpreneurs and reach the highest peaks. What is, then, detaining us from doing so? What are the bad behaviors that hinder our growth? Is it that we are chasing the wrong objective? Maybe we have a wrong definition of what success means?

How Godpreneurs Become an Authority is about understanding what those things are stopping us from becoming the great roleplayer of God’s greater vision and therefore excelling at our niche. This requires to change our expectations and also how we build our identity.

If we understand how these factors affect the results of our company and our personal development, we can realize how to change those bad behaviors and finally build the future God has planned for us.

How Godpreneurs Become an Authority leads you through a study of the sources of God’s definition of success and the behaviors we tend to incur in that detain us from reaching success. This is the moment we understand God’s calling and lessons and apply them to become real celebrities in our niche!


Becoming an authority is not about reaching fame, fortune or power. This comes as a consequence of following God’s lessons and fulfilling our role in His greater vision. Godpreneurs understand their value and act in accordance with it. They stay humble and focus on their tribe, as Christ did. They follow the true and only God, and not fake gods such as fame, fortune and power.

Join us on this pilgrimage as we learn how to change our identity according to God’s demands and become a real authority in our field!


These lessons will show you:

  • How to become an authority in our niche
  • Thinking big to break our limits
  • What’s the true definition of success
  • How to recognize our true value as Godpreneurs
  • How to follow God in our business lives

Your Guide

Alex Miranda
Alex Miranda

Alex Miranda is the creator of, the #1 blog for Christian entrepreneurs (Godpreneurs) with over 800 posts.

Read my business testimony at

Plan Outline

  Day 1: Following Christ Path to Become an Authority
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 2: Breaking Your Limits By Thinking Big
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 3: Reaching the True Definition of Success
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 4: Recognizing the Great Value in Ourselves to Thrive
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 5: Following God’s Will in Our Business Lives
Available in days
days after you enroll

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